Region 5 Convention
May 19th 2012
We are expecting that vendor tables at this Regional
Convention will sell out as they have done for each of our contests since 2010.
If you are interested in vending at the convention please let me know as soon as
you can and I will reserve a table(s) for you. A table is at a minimum 6 foot
in length. You can contact Marty Nevshemal at
or call 816.916.8613.
The rate for the tables are:
- $30 each for tables 1 - 3
- $25 each for table 4+
Space is limited, and sold on a
first come, first served basis. Please book your tables early!
Vendors currently signed up:
FNS Hobbies
CRM Hobbies
Wings & Treads
Scott Walsh
Bill Cook
Gary Ruhnke
Frank & Sons Hobbies
Janes's Tools
Frank Holsburg
Rick Cockrum
Daniel Keys